

create your most fulfilling life

Do you feel like there is a gap between where you are now and where you would like to be in life? Most of us have a spark of an idea of how we would like to live differently, but don't go near it for fear of being burned. I want to help you not only light, but grow that flame to help you develop a meaningful and exciting life for yourself. 

I am often asked how coaching is different from counselling. I offer coaching as a separate stream from my therapy practice. I see coaching as more future-focused and goal-oriented than counselling. Because of my background in psychology, I offer a hybrid of wellness and coaching strategies to help you tackle roadblocks that are getting in the way of your goals, create action plans to move forward with your dreams, and offer tools and resources to maintain your gains. I want to create spaces where you can feel free to become what I've termed your "easiest self" - the self that doesn't need to be "on", where you are at your most comfortable, your most open, your most authentic. My coaching practice plays to the long-term game to help you create long-lasting transformation in your life. 

My coaching is offered with a mix of some structure and some intuition to ensure that we are moving towards your specific goals. Our coaching time together begins with an initial consultation to see if we would be a good fit. If we decide to work together, we then move to the foundation session to help you identify and clarify your goals and needs. From there, we would meet in-person or virtually approximately every two weeks for coaching sessions, with email support provided in-between. Coaching sessions are offered as 3-month and 6-month committments, although many clients extend their work with me beyond the initial commitment.