Leap! A visioning workshop to expand your life
This full-day workshop is for women seeking clarity and direction in their lives and inspiration to follow their dreams. This workshop invites women from the community to join me for self-exploration and envisioning your future through vision boarding, meditation, guided visualization, dialoguing, and values-based exercises.
Why women only? History and current research both indicate that women continue to box themselves in to beliefs that are keeping them stuck. I come from a family of strong women promoting and encouraging strong women - and I want to continue this tradition in my community. I am passionate about empowering women to break away from these out-dated molds and embrace futures that they feel passionate and excited about. I want to help women bust through any paradigms that are keeping them stuck and discover the next steps on the path of their most authentic lives.
What to bring: Over the next few weeks, start collecting your favourite magazines, printed quotes, clippings, or photos that you’d like to bring to add to your vision board or share with the group. I’ll supply you with the other materials you’ll need to construct your vision board.
What to wear: Clothing that you feel comfortable moving around in.
What it will cost: Early Bird rate of $375 before January 1st and $399 afterwards. A 50% refund will be given for cancellations until 48 hours prior to the workshop. All cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will be charged the full workshop fee.
When: Currently not on offer due to COVID-19.
Where: TBD.
To register: Please complete the form below to confirm your attendance. Please note: receipt of the full fee is required to reserve your spot in the workshop.
becoming present in your own life - intro to mindfulness and yoga program
Would you like to be able to “let go” of worrying about the future and the past? Are you looking for ways to develop more self-acceptance and self-compassion? Are you seeking clarity related to what is truly important to you in life?
So often, we become caught up in the business of our everyday lives: multi-tasking between our email, our voicemail, our meetings, our housework – always planning ahead and anticipating our next move, trying to fit as much into to 24 hours as humanly possible. However, while this juggling feels useful, constantly striving for the next goal frequently negatively impacts our sense of enjoyment and meaning in our lives. In addition, we begin to measure our worth in relation with our goals and become harsh self critics, attached to our negative beliefs and judgments of ourselves.
There is a growing body of research that supports that Mindfulness training can help us reduce and manage our stress levels, connect more to the present, discover and stay true to what fulfills us in life, improve productivity, enhance awareness and concentration, increase the ability to tolerate and work through negative and uncomfortable feelings, and slow down in the busyness of today’s world.
What: In this four-week program, we will explore the usefulness of mindfulness and experience mindful living through experiential practices and mindful yoga. Through mindful awareness, we can detach from our thoughts to reduce our stress, improve our quality-of-life, develop a greater capacity for self-compassion, and move to a place of meaning and fulfillment in our lives.
When: Workshop dates still TBD. Check back soon for updates or contact to request a customized program for your office.
Cost: $599 + GST for 4 weekly sessions and all materials (extended health insurance may be cover some or all of this cost under psychological services)
Course content:
Psychoeducation on the principles of mindfulness practices and valued living
Guided instruction in mindfulness experiential activities
Gentle yoga, breathing, relaxation and meditation practices
Group discussion on how to integrate mindfulness into daily life
Weekly take-home handouts and exercises to enhance retention of course content
Workbook and meditation CDs (included)